Is Therapy Right For Me?

Who can benefit from therapy?

There isn’t anyone out there who can’t benefit from therapy. Every single one of us carries baggage that holds us back in some way. Many of us go through life thinking that the way they feel is ‘normal’ and cannot be changed. Sometimes the signs of mental or emotional distress are clear but other times they are less obvious. Many people go through life without realizing that difficult, sometimes unconscious thoughts and emotions are holding them back. As we age we learn ways to cope with certain emotions, But have you ever imagined what life would be like if you didn’t have to just simply cope or deal with negative emotions? Have you ever considered that you can be a lot happier than you currently are? Did you know that absolutely everyone has the potential to improve their mood and therefore their quality of life? Lots of people do not stop to think about the way they feel and are disadvantaged unnecessarily as a result. The mere absence of mental illness does not equal good mental health.

Unlike lots of other things, dealing with emotions is not something that we were taught in school. We are often left on our own to navigate through life which is almost guaranteed to throw tough times at us and has been throwing challenges at us from a young age. Tough times are almost certain to occur during one’s life and coming to therapy is an excellent way of learning to deal with these difficult and often unconscious emotions. Getting to the root cause of your emotions is the first step of removing them for good. Falling into habits or patterns of behavior that you know are no longer serving you can be frustrating.

Some other common reasons people come to therapy are when they notice a change within themselves, they are struggling with their emotions (anxiety/depression/stress/sadness/loneliness/irritability), they are struggling with mental illness, they are going through a life change, they would like guidance, they feel unsatisfied or just want someone to talk to. In this case therapy is an excellent way to get yourself feeling better and reaching your full potential. I believe in uncovering the root cause of pain as well as teaching coping mechanisms to help you better regulate your emotions. It is very freeing once you start to discover what life is like without these things dragging you down.

If you know you have unresolved trauma that you haven’t fully recovered from it can be hugely beneficial to attend some form of talking therapy. “Psychotherapy allows a person to explore these painful experiences with someone who is experienced in hearing about these issues in a confidential space that’s free of judgment,” - Dr Durvasula. The client does not need to worry about ‘protecting’ the therapist from hearing about these experiences. In addition, “a therapist can help the person develop new ways of thinking about the traumatic event as well as learn techniques for breaking the associations and the hold that the trauma has over them,” she adds. Trauma does not just consist of forms of abuse, trauma is any experience an individual goes through which THEY feel was traumatic. The therapist will work with the client to understand how the events that took place in the clients life affected the client. It is the therapist’s job to help the client to unravel these events, freeing the client from their past affecting their future.

There is a reason everyone is the way they are. There is a reason for your problem. I invite you to work with me, side by side, so we can explore the origin of your issue, understand it’s meaning and remove your problem for good.

Therapy is for anyone who wants to be the best version of themselves. Embark on your journey to find true inner peace and self acceptance.